All plants need water and Best Feeds Garden Centers has some basic watering tips.
Improper watering is the number one cause of plant failure.
1. Water consistently - Quality v Quantity Water regularly, consistency is essential. Water in the morning if possible so the plant can use water all day. Second best time, early evening.
2. How Much - Depends on the plant. Not a great answer but plant tags will help. Lawns and shrubs need about 1 inch per week. But crowded gardens with plants competing for water will need more. Soil also plays a role - clay soil will hold more, sandy soil not so much.
3. New plantings - how to water new plants - New plantings should be watered at the base. Plants drink through their roots so no need to spray leaves - sometimes that can be harmful. Water at a slow pace, like it just rained and not a flood. Water down 4-6 inches. Shallow watering causes shallow roots.